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Paper Acceptance Policy

Paper Acceptance Policy

Criteria for our paper acceptance policy


  • Our paper acceptance policy is based on three criteria (one is sufficient to be accepted): (a) the academic credentials of the scholar (b) his/her institutional affiliation and (c) Ph.D./Ed.D Students wishing to present part of their doctoral thesis. An effort is made to keep a weighted balance, both countries and level of academic career of the contributor (Ph.D. /Ed.D. Students, Researchers, Lecturers, Assistant Professors, Associate Professors, Professors, etc). In many cases, the committee might ask for the entire paper before it evaluates a proposal for presentation. If it is accepted, the paper is accepted for presentation NOT for publication. For the papers, we do provide reviewers’ comments to the authors. For all our conferences, we issue three calls (first, second and a final) with an approximate deadlines: 8 months, 6 months, and 4 months before the conference dates. The acceptance rate of the second and final call depends on the number of participants registered as a result of the first call. For obvious reasons, registrations deadlines for presentations differ and are stated in each acceptance letter.

  • An effort is made to have researchers from as many countries as possible.

  • Acceptance to present DOES NOT guarantee publication. All papers submitted are evaluated according to standard methods of independent blind review process by the editorial board. Editors are drawn from the world community of academics and researchers. The decision to choose editors is the responsibility of the Editorial Board. We do publish conference proceedings in the Future Review. Read more about our publication at:

  • All papers presented at our conferences are blindly reviewed by our editorial board. Papers NOT PRESENTED by their authors are not considered for publication in the Future Review and they do not appear in the program.  All papers submitted for consideration to publish in Future Review must be original works and not previously published. Editorial Board’s decision is based on the rubric located in the RUBRIC tab above.

  • Conference proceedings are produced after the conference.

If you have any inquiries, suggestions or need further information please send us an email at

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