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Traditional Library

Full Paper Submission Policy

Full Paper Submission Policy

Criteria for our full paper submission policy


  • Page size : A4 (29,7 × 21,0 cm)

  • Margins : 1 inch on all sides.

  • Type font : Times New Roman Line space: Single  Title and text should be single space.

  • Word Limit: The paper should be 6,000 words or fewer in length (excluding references, tables, charts, graphs, and figures). If accepted for publication in Future Review the author(s) will be required to lengthen the paper and follow the format per the submission guidelines noted on under Submission Guidelines.

  • Title : Centered, 14 point sizes, Bold, and Initials of each word are capitalized

  • Authors, affiliation and address(es) : Centered, 12 point sizes, italic, superscripts of different addresses (a, b, …) should be displayed clearly.

  • Main text : Times New Roman, 12 point sizes. The title and main text of the proposal should be submitted in English and should be sent as PDF. References should be included as a separate document, at the end of the paper. Any table and or figures should also be included as a separate document at the end of the paper, not within the body of the paper. All papers must be original and not published before. All five elements described below must be addressed in the paper even if the results, conclusions, or findings are not complete or final at the time of the submission. The paper needs to address and provide reviewers with an understanding of the results and findings to date. The paper should deal explicitly with the following elements, preferably in this order:

  1. Objectives or purposes

  2. Perspective(s) or theoretical framework

  3. Methods, techniques, or modes of inquiry

  4. Results and/or substantiated conclusions or warrants for arguments/point of view

  5. Scientific or scholarly significance of the study or work

  • It is understood that theoretical or methodological papers will include information that is the equivalent of element (3) for those genres of scholarly work.

  • Reference : References should be written in APA style.

  • Format of Presentations: Please see the information provided in the “PAPER PRESENTER GUIDELINES” tab

If you have any specific request please let us know so we will look into the availability of your request.

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